$.language.cur = 'en'; $.lang = { ok:'ok', cancel:'cancel', confirm: 'confirm', search:'search', invalid:'invalid', delete:'delete', show:'show', edit:'edit', add:'add', choice: 'choice', global:{ select_index:'--select--', go_to_delete: 'you are about to delete. continue?', go_to_delete_bat: 'you are about to delete %s options. do you want to continue?', browser_too_low: 'the browser version is too low! ', png_jpg: 'please upload an image file in png or jpg format! ', copy_word:'successful replication!', copy_word_error:'sorry, low-level browsers do not support replication!', del:'you are about to delete. continue?', un_id_to_relation:'the data id is missing. only after the current data is added and the id is formed can the association be edited.do you want to submit the form first?', }, language: { en:'en', jp:'jp', de:'de', fr:'fr', es:'es', ru:'ru', cn:'cn', ft:'zh-hk', pt:'pt', }, reptile:{ name:'create site map file', over:'the program is over. refresh!', load:'site map file is being generated...', loading:'(^_−)☆ , loading...', error:'program execution error!', url_error:'network instability, unable to continue to carry out tasks!', processing:'processing', recorded:'recorded', waiting:'waiting', program_status:'status', timeout_link:'timeout-link' }, cropper:{ name:'cropping images', left:'left turn', right:'right turn', confirm:'confirm', lessen:'lessen', enlarge:'enlarge' }, code:{ drag:{ ready:'sliding unlocking', load:'unlocking...', fail:'unlock failed', finish:'successful unlocking', tip:'please unlock and submit' }, sms: { send: 'send', resend: 'resend(d%)', null: 'please fill in the information to send the verification code', } }, member:{ mod_password:'change password', mod_password_tip:'please fill in your password', }, share:{ wx_title:'share the page', // wx_tip:'打开微信,点击底部的“发现”,使用 “扫一扫” 即可将网页分享到我的朋友圈。', wx_tip:'scan this qr code to share the page to your wechat moments', }, upload:{ title:'file upload', }, file:{ dir:'dir', path:'path', del:'you are about to delete. continue?', del_bat:'delete s% files in batch. continue?', dir_error:'error, please make sure the file name is not duplicate', del_error:'no permission to delete', move:'you are about to move. continue?', move_bat:'move s% files in batch. continue?', move_error:'no permission to move', format_error: 'file format error!', size_error: 'please upload files less than s%!' }, tips:{ title:'tips', search:'please enter key words', }, tag:{ select:'select from common tags', tip:'multiple labels should be separated by commas (,)', }, color:{ value:'value', hex:'hex', }, };